Words by Emily Johnsson, Regenerators’ Community Nurturer & participant of the 2022 Regenerative Leadership Journey

Now more than ever, the world needs people who are empowered in their hearts, minds and behaviour to see, feel, be and do life and leadership differently.

Be, do, live and lead in ways that work with life, not against it.

Ways that enable us to remember what it means to be humans living in alignment with all of life, not separate from it.

The breakdown of our climate is mirrored in the escalating crisis of burn-out and stress in everyone from executives to teenagers across the world.

The ever-growing loss of biodiversity, food crisis and gross levels of inequality between the Global North and South are intrinsically linked at their core.

To say that the way we have been doing things is not working would be an understatement.

We find ourselves on the brink of a 6th mass extinction.

And yet, at this 11th hour – or rather well past midnight - life is not giving up on us.

Instead, life calls us to do what it always does when things break down, namely to REGENERATE.

REGENERATION, in short, describes life's in-built capacity to replenish, restore and renew - to move towards balance and wholeness.

And moving towards balance and wholeness is precisely what we are invited to do in our leadership right now. Whether it is at home, at work, in our communities or businesses.

Moving towards balance and wholeness will take us on a journey of remembrance and innovation.

Remembering a way of relating to ourselves, each other, Nature and the Earth that sees us as one, once again.

Remembering life's logic, which our ancestors knew, and applying it to life, work and leadership in the age of exponential change.

Innovating by allowing life to inspire our design of everything from how we build houses to businesses, metro lines to meetings.

Innovating by allowing ourselves to unlearn all of the ways that are creating harm to people and planet, and replacing them with pathways for thriving.

Just like life would do.

As change makers with hearts full of longing for another way, we can often feel lonely.

Perhaps even frustrated, exhausted and disillusioned at times.

These too are symptoms of the story of separation humanity has created for itself.

Only when we come together in life-affirming community with a common vision can we begin to realign, regenerate and say yes to doing change making life's way, by realising our shared and individual purpose.

What would it be like to be part of a diverse, creative, inclusive, vibrant, kind, intelligent movement for change with people from all over the world where you would learn and contribute in equal measure?

A space to come to refuel and feel like you belong?

A community full of inspiration and connection?

A place to immerse yourself in an energy that will allow you to come home to yourself, to your essence and aliveness, and become the Regenerative Leader the world calls for now.

All of life welcomes you.

And we welcome you.

Join us for the 2024 Regenerative Leadership Journey here

Tarn Rodgers Johns